Hello. Today I wanted to once again turn to my blog. I will get either today or tomorrow morning, then surely a new, small cat. I just hope very much, that is with our 5 year old cat "Mickey" understands well. Because for about 2 years he is the sole ruler ^ ^.
Well I'm still very surprised that I ever get a new one. But one evening to visit friends were, who said they have 7 little kittens and they want to get rid umbedingt because unfortunately they have no room for 7 other animals. My mother was my father's compassion and überedetet we have a 2nd Cat fetch. We also had until now always 2 cats.
The name of the young is "Minny" ^ ^. And the best is the little gray cat the next 2 weeks sleeping in my room. That's what I always wanted. So I hope soon the ambitious time the phone rings and I am told that I can get it soon. Just hope my last Mickel is not jealous. Here a few pictures of Mickey and Minny:
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