Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Happened When I Stop My Coversyl


Sun about a thousand dreams and desires stand all trellis
- at least as many -
and good advice is massively on the paper along with a lot of
unprecedented goals.

The frustration has amassed a mountain of the same - Psycho
mixed with garbage and food debris. . .
drum one is quite glad that
washing machine is running and does not just today broken '.

bloom in fir now times no roses -
and the very good fortune
usually comes in small doses and
schrittchenweise, piece by piece.

But fate is sometimes unexpectedly kind, then
was not blind and deaf and dumb -
will and not merely reckless. . . .
hiding 'the luck - tell it not around.

best, '
live exactly as before - perhaps you may notice
you dont need the luck.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all love. Thank you for thinking of me.

LG Heike


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