Monday, October 25, 2010

Internet Hack For Sidekick Lx

Puck ...

Hääääääääääääää what is this supposed to be??

Well, after what I see look like? Pretty funny right? Random-warr and large hands and a red belly ????????? What I will be well?
Oh, supi, now I can see grad before, I have eyes ***** **** lalalalala

Well, yes it is. I'll make a scarecrow ????? No ..........

Jaaaaaaaaaaaha, I can be cheeky, tease me here if the Sun They have taken me about my large hand a narrow sleeve. Since those times I've shown what I think about it .....

But it was worth it. I have become a forest gnome. My name is Puck and I was "born" in Switzerland.

Have not I got a beautiful face?? Formed only from a felt ball ......

I have in my hand schöööööööööne small precious stones get.

have come down to you ????? I've had him a thing or heard that I still get a buddy.


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